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The Corpse Drivers

Club de Corbillards - Hearse Club -
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MessageSujet: Quelques découvertes   Quelques découvertes Icon_minitimeVen 24 Aoû - 21:09

Diamonds are Forever, starring Sean Connery as James Bond [1971]

- a black 1968 hearse makes an appearance

Quelques découvertes Bonc10

Ghostbusters, starring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Sigourney Weaver (Ivan Reitman, 1984)

- A New York based team specializes in ridding buildings not of rats nor roaches ...but of ghosts and evil spirits. The service car they use is a modified '59 hearse.
In the words of, Dan Aykroyd, the buyer, "Everybody can relax, I found a car! It needs some suspension work,
and shocks, and brakes, brake pads, linings, steering box, transmission and... How much?
Only forty-eight hundred... maybe new rings, also mufflers and wiring..."

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Quelques découvertes Ghost210
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MessageSujet: Re: Quelques découvertes   Quelques découvertes Icon_minitimeVen 24 Aoû - 21:14

et encore :

Godfather, The, starring Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, etc.

- Many Cadillacs of the forties and fifties are featured in this epic movie. In the early years, the Corleone family is driven around in a 1940 limousine; at a meeting of Mafia Dons, later in the movie, we see a string of sedans and limousines from 1955-56; in Don Vito Corleone's funeral procession are three Cadillac flower cars; when Al Pacino (who plays the Godfather's youngest son) returns from Sicily, where he has been in hiding, he goes to meet his wife, Kay, in a 1948-49 Series 75 limousine. This is a "must-see" movie for any self-respecting fan of 40's and 50's Cadillacs.
A procession of fifties funeral vehicles (two '56 models stand out)

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MessageSujet: Re: Quelques découvertes   Quelques découvertes Icon_minitimeVen 24 Aoû - 21:19


Harold and Maude, starring Ruth Gordon and Bud Court

- A black comedy with a few macabre Cadillac hearses, the most notable being the teenager's' 1959 side-loader

The restored 1959 hearse (a Crown Royal from the Superior Corporation)
Quelques découvertes Harold10
Quelques découvertes Harold11

Funeral procession, with Cadillac limousines and hearses from the sixties and seventies

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